Thursday, June 24, 2010

Team Tag Reminder

Did you know that our team has a team tag? It's "etsywmi team" and if you're a member, you can use it as one of your 14 tags on as many items as you like. Now, why use one of your valuable tags for EtsyWMI? First, it will help to identify you as an Etsy West Michigan team member. Secondly, it will help teammates to find your items to include in team treasuries like this one I made last night.

Treasuries are a great tool for sharing the wonderful pieces our team has to offer. Some treasuries are lucky enough to be selected by admin and be featured on the front page of Etsy resulting in hundreds of views for those featured!

One final reason to use the "etsywmi team" tag is that we promote it! At opening day of the Fulton Street Artisans Market flyers were handed out teaching shoppers how to search for team items on Etsy. We also have a badge which you can add to your blog or as a photo in your listing to help promote our team.

In addition to searching our team tag, you can see our members and their work by checking out our newly updated EtsyWMI Members Blog and our team profile. For starters, be sure to take advantage of being a member of Etsy West Michigan by using our "etsywmi team" tag in your shop on as many items as you like!