This is a great resource with LOTS of information on just about everything. Bookmark it so you can easily find it for reference.
Keep Up With Your Shop Stats
Craftcult.comTrack shop and item hearts and see who's hearting them. You can find out if you've been featured on the front page here and get a screenshot to capture the moment.
See the treasuries that you're in and track views and hearts in a calendar format. There is also a new feature that allows you to see the tags searched on Etsy that lead to your items.
Social Media
How to Effectively Use Social Media
A great article about how to properly use social media.
How Not to Spam While Being Active Online
It's a delicate balance to use social media to promote while not being overbearing. There are some great tips in this Storque article.
Creating a Facebook Fan Page
A great Etsy article that shows you how to create a fan page step-by-step.
Start Your Page Here
Click on the link above to set up your fan page.
Add My Etsy to Your Fan Page & Profile
The My Etsy tab allows people to see directly into your shop right from Facebook
Link your Facebook Fan Page to Twitter
Etsy West Michigan Team Members on Twitter
When you create a Twitter account it can be hard to know get started and know who to follow. You can always start by following your teammates!
Tweeting for Dollars Article
This article from the Etsy Storque gives a quick idea on how Twitter works and the benefits it can have for your shop.
Ten Simple Tips for Success on Twitter
You'll find that many Etsy sellers use Blogger to host their blog. It's very easy to use and customize. That's not to say you can't choose another service such as Wordpress or TypePad.
Etsy's Guide to Blogging
Advice on getting started, what to write, keeping at it, and building relationships.
Product Photography
How to Brighten Your Photos
An easy tutorial to brighten your photos using Picnik, a free online photo editing tool.
Photography Tips with heidiadnum, Part 1
Getting to know your camera & lighting for your products
Photography Tips with heidiadnum, Part 2
Choosing a background, composition, and showing scale.
Feature Friendly Photos
Simple tips to make your photos beautiful for treasury, blog, and other features.