Five fabulous crafters met at Schuler's Books on Alpine to discuss what route Etsy West Michigan might take..... OK, that sounded a little hokey, but 5 of us did meet and talked for 1 1/2 hours about what we find important.....our Etsy Stores and craft shows.
We discussed types of shows in the area, possibility of having our own show, and places to hold a show.
Do we want to form a non-profit type group or an official business as EWM to have a group possibility of accepting credit cards, having a single booth with EWM members at shows, other possibilities. Lynn will research this.
Sarah (, Amy (, Barbara (, Harriet (, and Lynn ( attended and feel we have a great start! We are all looking into different options for shows, looking forward to our next meeting (not planned yet), starting a chat room, and just overall getting to know one another. More information as it becomes available will be here and on the groups site.
If anyone has information to share, ideas for shows, business help, or just in general cheerfulness, feel free to spread the love!
Happy Hump Day,